This page contains alerts and information concerning your second amendment rights. These articles are for reference only and not legal advice from OCSA, it’s officers, officials, or members.

(UPDATED 2/27/25)

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MA H4885 Gun Ban Fight 

H4885 was signed into law on Thursday, July 18, 2024
and is now known as MGL Chapter 135

(Recchia v. Healey) Why and How You Need to Fight This Law, Right Now (11/22/24)

On October 23, 2024 a group of volunteer activists delivered 95K+ signatures to the Secretary of State and then went to the Governors office and made a presentation to her staff. The presentation consisted of a formal letter requesting rescinding the emergency preamble, copies of the U.S. and state constitutions with where we believe she has violated highlighted. A framed copy of the news article on the citation she issued to Toby for his civil rights work, (yes she actually did sign such a document)

The official committee for this effort is "The Civil Rights Coalition." Please see their website for additional information and to make a donation.


GOALS Gun Ban Page

Frequently Asked Questions

H.4885 Definitions

Donate to GOAL


Other MA Specific Issues

Why is This Massachusetts Man in Jail for Defending Himself? (9/16/24)

(Commonwealth v. Canjura) Two Switchblade Cases Which Show How Critical This Fight Is (We WIN!) (9/6/24)

(Commonwealth v. Donnell) & (Commonwealth v. Marquis) Why This Case Might Be Bruen's Biggest Impact Yet (9/5/24)

(Morin v. Lyver) 1st circuit overturned 2A ban on non violent misdemeanors (MA case decided, MAJOR WIN) (6/4/24)

(Capen v. Cambell) Judge: AR 15s Are Dangerous & Unusual thus NOT Protected By 2nd Amendment! (12/27/23)

More Proof The Red Flag Petition System Is Cruel And Dangerous (12/4/23)

(Granata v. Campbell ) MA Handgun Roster Case Update (4/27/23) Remanded back to district court post Bruen (4/7/23) Revised complaint submitted (9/21/23)

Plaintiffs Wanted

GOAL Staff and Counsel are searching for plaintiffs that would be interested in helping eviscerate provisions of H4885. If you meet the following criteria and have had zero negative interaction with law enforcement, clean, or no social media posts and are an all around upstanding citizen of Massachusetts, please contact Jon Green at 508-393-5333 ext 121.
1.    Someone with an FID that is valid but needs to be renewed within the next year or two, and that believes the process is unconstitutional based on the burden, expense, or the fact that you need a license to exercise a right.
2.    Someone with an LTC who needs to renew in the next year or two, and believes the process is unconstitutional, based on the burden, expense, or the fact that you need a license to exercise a right.

Important Supreme Court Decisions

DC v. Heller: On June 26, 2008 the U.S. Supreme Court held (5–4) that the Second Amendment protects “arms 'in common use at the time' for lawful purposes like self-defense” and arms that are “typically possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes.” Such arms are “chosen by American society,” not the government.

McDonald v. City of Chicago: On June 28, 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled (5–4) that the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms,” applies to state and local governments as well as to the federal government.

NYRPA v. Bruen: On June 23, 2022, the Supreme Court ruled (6-3) for the first time that the Second Amendment confers a constitutional right to carry a gun outside the home. Bruen voided New York's requirement that concealed carry permit applicants demonstrate “proper cause,” or a special need for self-defense.

The Supreme Court Drops a Bomb on Gun Control (MAJOR WIN)

What is The New TEST? (Text, History, & Tradition Test)

BATF Actions

ATF Director: This Guy Will Be Your Next ATF Director (2/22/25)

NEW ATF Rules: The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Conforming Regulations (4/29/24)

  • Greatly affects background checks for under 21 purchase.

  • Forces LEO notification, (all agencies) on any background check denial regardless of reason or accuracy

  • Expands domestic violence rules to boyfriend/girlfriend relationships.

NEW ATF Rule: "Engaged in the Business" (4/16/24)

Are You a Gun Dealer Starting 5/20/24? (5/15/24)

Injunction at the Last Minute to Stop ATF's Rule on Private Gun Sales? (5/20/24)

(Texas v. ATF) Decision Alters Second Amendment & ATF Fight (6/12/24)

New ATF Rule: Frames & Receivers: What Does ATF Consider an AR Frame or Receiver to Be? (1/30/22)

(Bondi v. VanDerStok) (5th Circuit), SCOTUS heard case on Frame and Receiver Rule (10/12/24)

(Morehouse v. ATF) (8th Circuit) Unanimous Decision Issued Upholding ATF Frame & Receiver Rule (11/4/23)

New ATF Rule: Pistol Brace / SBR Rule (2/21/23) Trump executive order places this under review (2/11/25)

(FRAC v. Bondi) Another Brutal Loss for ATF's Pistol Brace Rule (8th Circuit) (8/12/24)

Immediate Nationwide Block of ATF Short Barreled Rifle & Pistol Brace Rule Moves Forward (1/26/25) (5th circuit)
(Mock v. Bondi) / (Britto v. ATF) / (NRA v. ATF)

New ATF Rule: Trigger Bans (4/24/23) (Wide Open and Forced Reset Triggers)

(NAGR v. Bondi) ATF Stripped of Power To Regulate Under The NFA & GCA
Full 5th circuit ruling pending (2/5/25)

(Hoffman Tactical Super Safety) How the ATF is Getting "Triggered"...Again (3/18/24)

Proposed ATF Rule: Annual Reporting of Explosive Materials & Storage (9/3/23)

Other cases to watch

(Antonyuk v. James) This New York Case Will Impact the Entire Country (2/26/25)
(2nd Circuit reconsidered post Rahimi, continues to side mostly with state)

(Snope (Bianchi) v. Brown) 4th Circuit Upholds Maryland's Assault Weapon Ban (2/25/25)
SCOTUS declined to hear this term. Held over for consideration on 3/4/25 (similar to MA laws)

(Ocean State Tactical v. RI) Large cap mag bans (2/25/25) (1st Circuit)
SCOTUS declined to hear this term. Held over for consideration on 3/4/25 (similar to MA laws, MA in 1st circuit)

(U.S. v. Tamori Morgan) What Does the Machinegun Ruling Really Mean (10th Circuit)(18U.S.C. ss922(o)) (2/18/2025)

(Mexico v. Smith & Wesson) How Mexico is Trying to End Your Second Amendment Rights (2/16/25) SCOTUS to hear case March 4th

(Range v. Bondi) Second Amendment lawsuit on non violent felons (2/14/2025)
(3rd Circuit rules in our favor! 18 USC 922g1 is unconstitutional)
(MA is in 1st Circuit)

(Reese v. ATF) Restrictions on 18-20 year old persons (2/2/25)
18 U.S.C. ss922(b)(1) & (c)(1) ruled unconstitutional
(5th Circuit)

(U.S. v. Daniels) (5th Circuit), Federal Prohibition on 2A Rights for Marijuana Use (18 U.S.C. ss922(g)(3)) (1/13/25)
SCOTUS sent back to lower court for reconsideration based on Rahimi. 5th Circuit reaffirmed their unconstitutional findings.

(Torcivia v. Suffolk County NY) Supreme Court Issues 9-0 Unanimous Decision SCOTUS will not review(1/3/25)

(Novak v. Federepiel) Second Amendment & Gun Confiscation Challenge Sets Up Supreme Court Review (1/2/25)

(Duncan v. Bonta) CA High Capacity Magazine Ban Update (12/4/24)
(has similar elements to MA ban)

(Arnold v. Kotek) Magazine Ban Permanently Struck Down & Ruled Unconstitutional! (10/14/24)
Does not affect MA at this time

(May v. Bonta) Partial victory against California Gun Control (Sensitive Places) appealed to full 9th circuit (9/21/24)
(MA seeking similar laws)

(Knife Rights v. Bonta) Two Switchblade Cases Which Show How Critical This Fight Is (9/6/24)

(Rhode v. Bonta) California's ammunition background check law struck down & appealed (9/3/24)
9th Circuit sides with CA. (Has similar elements to MA laws)

(Kipke v. Moore) Huge Ruling Strikes Down Several "Sensitive Places" (8/6/24)

(U.S. v. Duarte) The 9th Circuit Actually Overturns a Federal Gun Law? (appealed to full circuit) (7/20/24)
(see also U.S. v. Bullock below)

(Worth v. Jacobson) Restrictions on 18-20 year old persons (7/18/24) (8th Circuit)

(Loper v. Raimondo) Supreme Court Ends Chevron deference on Procedural Act Violation. (6/28/24) Big WIN!

(Wilson v. Hawaii ) The Effort to Overturn the Worst Second Amendment Ruling Ever (6/25/24)

(U.S. v. Rahimi) The Rahimi Case, (18 U.S.C. ss922(g)(8)) (6/21/24)
(MA is in 1st Circuit) SCOTUS did not strike down. They did say that a court must find a person is a threat.

(B&L Productions v. Newsom) Prohibitions on Gun Shows
Appealed to 9th Circuit and 3 judge panel ruled it did not violate 1st or 2nd amendments (6/16/24)

(Cargill v. Garland) SCOTUS Rules ATF Bump Stock Rule Unconstitutional (6/14/24)
(Has similar elements to MA laws but no immediate affect)

(U.S. v. Ayala) Armed in a post office (U.S. appealed to 11th circuit) (6/4/24)

(NRA v. Vullo) Huge Supreme Court Win for 1st and 2nd Amendments (6/1/24)

(Hoffman v. Bonta) Crossing state lines, no nonresident carry  (4/19/24)

(American Forest & Paper Assn. v. EPA) Supreme Court Hearing & Decision Could Change The Second Amendment Fight Forever! (4/8/24)

(Ivan v. James) Requesting SCOTUS review of NY CCIA act post BRUEN (2/21/24)

(S3589) Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act of 2024 (2/11/24)
Submitted by Ed Markey, Possibly eliminates civilian firearms instruction and competition.

(Higbie v. James) Huge Case for National Concealed Carry (2/6/24)

(Caulkins v. Pritzker) IL Assault Weapon & Magazine Ban (2/4/24)
Denied by SCOTUS

(CRAPA v. Luna) The California Case that Could Change Concealed Carry Nationwide (1/28/24)
(MA has similar laws) see (Commonwealth v. Donnell) above.

(Miller v. Bonta) CA AWB Ban Update
(has similar elements to MA ban) (1/27/24)

(Relentless, Inc. v. the U.S. Department of Commerce) Supreme Court Grants Review! (1/19/24)

(US v. Ayala) Law Banning Firearms In Post Offices Ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL! (1/19/24)

Unconstitutional Bill Targets Tactical Training (1/13/24)
MA Senator Ed Markey is involved

(U.S. v. Robert Biden) When the First Son Starts Embracing the Second Amendment (12/13/23)

(U.S. v. Harris) (3rd Circuit) Federal Prohibition on 2A Rights for Marijuana Use, (18 U.S.C. ss922(g)(3) (11/19/23)

(NRA v. Vullo) A First Amendment challenge to New York's interference with legitimate business relationships.
Supreme Court to review (11/7/23)

(Morehouse Enterprises v. ATF) A suit challenging ATF's new "Zero Tolerance" policy on FFLs (11/5/23)

(U.S. v. Alston) The Huge Case That No One is Talking About (18 U.S.C. ss922(n) & ss922(g)(3)) (10/29/23)

(Koons v. Platkin) Huge Case Before the Third Circuit on “Sensitive Places” (10/25/23) 3rd Circuit

(Teter v. Lopez) How a Huge Win from Hawaii Spells Big Trouble for Gun Control (10/17/23)

(Haden v. ATF) 6th Circuit Rules ATF Bump Stock Rule Unconstitutional (9/7/23)
ATF appeals to SCOTUS. (MA is in 1st Circuit)

(Guedes v. ATF) District of Columbia SCOTUS asked to review bump stocks (9/7/23)

(Rupp v. Bonta) The Case That Could Crush Assault Weapon Bans (9/2/23)
(Has similar elements to MA laws)

(Fraser v. ATF) A Huge Ruling That Could Benefit Millions,
18-20 year-olds & No handguns ruled unconstitutional (8/31/23)

(Renna v. Bonta) California Handgun Roster 9th circuit update (8/29/23)
(Has similar elements to MA laws)

(Boland v. Bonta) California Handgun Roster 9th circuit update (8/29/23)
(Has similar elements to MA laws)

(Willey v. Brown) Red Flag Challenged After Government Official Lies To Obtain One (8/23/23)

(NRA v. Bondi) Does 2nd Amendment Extend To 18-20 Year Old Adults? 11th circuit (7/18/23)

(U.S. v. Bullock) (11th Circuit) Federal Judge Rules Felon-In-Possession Law is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!, (18 U.S.C. ss922(g)(1)) (6/29/23)

(U.S. v. Connelly) (2nd Circuit), Federal Prohibition on 2A Rights for Marijuana Use is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, (18 U.S.C. ss922(g)(3) and 18 U.S.C. ss922(d)(3)) (4/12/23)

(RM v. CM) NY Red Flag Law Ruled Unconstitutional @ NYSC (4/4/23)
(has similar elements to MA law)

(Wiese v. Bonta) Magazine Ban Case (4/1/23)

(8th Circuit) Law Banning 2A For Ages 18-20 Ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL! (3/31/23)
(MA is in 1st Circuit)

(U.S. v. Jared) (4th Circuit), Federal Prohibition on 2A Rights for Marijuana Use is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, (18 U.S.C. ss922(g)(3)) (2/5/23)

(GW v. CN) NY Red Flag Law Ruled Unconstitutional @ NYSC (1/2/23)
(has similar elements to MA law)