Massachusetts Junior Conservation Camp

Camp Date August 3 to August 15, 2025

Old Colony Sportsman’s Association is proud to sponsor 1 members child.

Club Application Deadline April 3, 2025 (received or postmarked)

The Massachusetts Junior Conservation Camp is a two week overnight summer camp for girls and boys ages 13 -17. The Camp offers a program of conservation education and instruction in outdoor recreation skills. It introduces youth to the ethical concepts and knowledge essential to a lifetime of properly enjoying our natural resources and the leisure activities that depend on their careful stewardship. Enthusiastic outdoorsmen and women today will become tomorrow’s leaders in safeguarding our outdoor heritage.

Our camp program is unique in that it is focused on conservation education. While we do have some activities similar to other summer camps, such as archery and riflery, the MJCC combines these activities with wildlife programs and the state Hunter Education program. In other words, we strive to give youth a complete picture of wildlife management. Campers are allowed to attend a camp session only once.

Camp Location: Horace Moses Scout Reservation, 310 Birch Hill Avenue, Russell MA

For information go to the Camp WEBSITE and this FAQ list.
Do not complete the online registration, use the OCSA form linked below.

An interested child should write a one paragraph essay as to why they would
like to attend camp and send along with the clubs completed application (DOWNLOAD)
by April 3, 2025, to:

OCSA Secretary: Paula Cavalieri
Box 523, Pembroke, MA 02359-0523