IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) competition is a great opportunity to improve your gun handling and marksmanship skills in a safe and fun atmosphere. The courses of fire are intended to simulate real life scenarios where defensive shooting may need to be employed. IDPA style shooting is based on equipment you would carry on a daily basis rather than equipment specifically made for competition and/or speed.
We hold Tier 1 Club matches on the 3rd Saturday of every month year round weather permitting. Preregistration on PractiScore is required for monthly matches.
In order to shoot our matches you must have either experience shooting IDPA or USPSA matches previously, attended the GOAL Intro to IDPA course or attended an Intro to IDPA class at an IDPA affiliated club. If none of these qualifications apply to you please contact our OCSA IDPA Committee to see if accommodations can be made.
For videos from our matches check out our YouTube channel
For complete information on IDPA shooting check out the IDPA website
Or just Google "IDPA YouTube" for some great intro videos on getting started in IDPA style shooting.
Want to join the Old Colony IDPA email list?
Intro to Practical Shooting (including IDPA)
This is a 5 - 6hr advanced shooter course consisting of “on range” instruction followed by intense training/practice using actual match stages. Emphasis will be on teaching advanced shooters who are new to IDPA to navigate a course of fire safely and efficiently. Students will learn the terminology and range commands used in the sport of IDPA.
The following skills/techniques will be taught and then practiced under the supervision of experienced and certified IDPA Safety Officers: loading and unloading the gun while on the line; drawing from a holster and acquiring a target; proper clearing of the gun at the end of a course of fire; holstering the gun; target transitions; engaging targets in tactical priority; slide-lock reloads; tactical reloads with retention; shooting on the move (forward, backward, laterally); shooting strong hand, weak hand, and freestyle; proper use of cover; muzzle control while competing; and scoring of targets.
Certified IDPA Safety Officers teach the basics in a controlled environment. The students then proceed to the different pits where teams of certified IDPA SOs run students through a small three or four stage match. Stages are designed to complement the classroom teaching, and provide practical illustrations to the rules of IDPA.
The course will start with dry practice instruction and practical skills drills to learn the safe way to draw a pistol out of a holster then transition to live fire shooting on three to four typical IDPA stages.
Students will spend approximately one hour on each of the stages receiving instruction and demonstration. Then each student will be given the opportunity to shoot the stage as many times as one hour will permit before transitioning to the next stage. All stages will include some combination of the following, moving targets, swinging targets, steel targets, no-threat targets, walls, barricades and other props.
Class size will be limited to 4 squads of 5 for a total of 20 slots. Students will have the opportunity to receive instruction from shooters of various skill levels (Marksman - Master), each with significant experience competing at the local, state, regional level.
Cost is $25 per person payable in cash or check ONLY due the day of the class.
Classes begin at 8:30 am sharp. Please report to the IDPA pits at the rear of the club via the road through the open gate to the left of the clubhouse. Please do not drive to the pits unless authorized to do so by the staff.
What to Bring to class:
Something to take notes with, drinks, snacks, lunch, rain gear (just in case), gloves, handwarmers and a hat (if you take a class in the winter), sunscreen (if you take a class in the summer), boots if it has rained or snowed recently (our pits get very muddy) and a camera or go-pro like device to take pictures/video if you want.
Equipment Needed for class:
Gun: For your Intro Class, if you own only 1 gun or are not sure if what you own will “work”, let us know in advance. We can make arrangements to have a gun, holster, and magazines, available to you.
Holster: Holster must be secure, needs to be mounted to your belt, and must cover the trigger guard. If you don’t have one, let us know in advance. We can make arrangements to have a gun, holster, and magazines available for you. Continued participation in IDPA will require an appropriate holster.
Magazines/Speed loaders/Moon clips: A minimum of three devices for your firearm is required for matches. For the class, if you do not have all three, we can work to accommodate you.
Mag pouches: A double mag pouch or two single mag pouches is needed. If you wear pants you likely have pockets. Many people go this route before going out and buying the required gear. If your firearm has a factory capacity of less than 10 rounds without an extended mag, then you can have a total of three mag pouches versus two.
Concealment garment: A zip-up shirt/vest or a jacket that completely covers the holstered gun when your arms are held out to the side, perpendicular to the ground.
Eye and Ear Protection: Both are required to participate or watch. A hat with a brim is strongly suggested.
Ammunition: Matches require approximately 108 rounds if you don’t miss or take extra shots. Most bring 150-200 rounds to be on the safe side. For class, bring 250-300 rounds.
Gun Handling: All events are run on a “cold” range. If you come to an event with a loaded firearm, please check with a Safety Officer (SO) and you will be instructed where and how to safely unload your gun for the duration of the event. Once you are cleared, there are only two places you can handle your gun: without supervision in the safe area OR under the supervision of an SO at the firing line. The safe are at OCSA is located to the right of the entrance to pits 1-4. No ammunition is allowed in the safe area. If you are unsure when/where you can handle your firearm, leave it holstered and ask! An SO will guide you so we can all have a safe and enjoyable event.
IDPA centers on the use of practical CCW equipment versus “race” setups. There are several divisions of firearms but, most likely, any practical firearm you own will be suitable for use in IDPA. A few examples are Glocks (almost any model), S&W M&Ps, SIG P320, HK VP9, 1911, etc., just to name a few. Before you go spend money on the “best gun” and gear, we suggest you check out a match first.
Upcoming Intro to PRACTICAL SHOOTING Class
March 23, 2025 - Click here to register.
Any questions or comments regarding IDPA at Old Colony should be directed to the Old Colony IDPA Committee at ocsa.idpa@gmail.com