Ocsa Club Ocsa Club

STOP the Bleed!

On Wednesday night April 9, 2025 OCSA will host representatives from South Shore Hospital’s level II trauma program will offer Stop the Bleed © (STB) training (at no cost). This FREE program will help attendees recognize life-threatening bleeding and learn interventions to use while waiting for EMS to arrive.

Class size is limited to 20 persons. Please see the club calendar for details and required pre-registration.

Link for more information regarding Stop the Bleed©.    https://www.stopthebleed.org/training/

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Ocsa Club Ocsa Club

GOAL Law Class 25

Massachusetts / Federal Gun Law & Regulation for the MA residents/LEO/Retailers.

On March 11, 2025 OCSA will host the GOALs firearm law seminar. This 3 ½ + hour long seminar with emphasis on the recent changes explains state and federal laws and regulation in layperson terms. Students will explore applicable MGL and CMR as it pertains to definitions, gun purchase, possession, transport, record keeping requirements, buying/selling, interstate transport, interstate purchase, ammunition storage and best practices for gun owners.

Jon Green has been the Director of Education and Training for Gun Owners’ Action League since 1999. He served on the NSSF Range Advisory Committee for 4 years and has owned and managed FFL 01 Businesses. He has taught similar classes to thousands of citizens, hundreds of Mass State Police BFS Certified Instructors, Massachusetts Hunter Education Instructors and Massachusetts Environmental Police Officers.

For all the details and required pre-registration please see the club calendar.

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Ocsa Club Ocsa Club

Lift Now in Service

The state has inspected our new lift and approved it for use. The lift is now fully functional. This lift covers the indoor range, parking lot, and clubhouse entrance. This is not an elevator so please be aware of the following. 

1. This is not a freight elevator. Using it in such a manner may violate warranties. 

2. To call the lift, press and hold the button corresponding to your floor. If you release the button the lift will stop. Once the lift gets to your floor the door will unlock. 

3. Once in the lift, press and hold the button for the floor you want to go to. If you release the button the lift will stop. Once the lift gets to your floor the door will unlock. 

4. If the door times out and relocks press the button left of the emergency stop button to unlock the lift. 

5. There is an emergency auto dial phone below the control panel. Please notify the club of all malfunctions.

6. When the weather warms, we will be doing finishing work on the interior including removing the protective tape on sheet metal surfaces. 

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Ocsa Club Ocsa Club

Indoor Archery for 2025

Starting Tuesday January 21 archery will be holding practice and training on Tuesday nights 6:00-7:00 and 7:00-8:00 at the indoor range. The range is closed to other uses during this event.

Lessons are available so come on down and try it for free. If you want to continue it is 9 lessons for $100. Minimum age is 8 years old. If you want to just come down and shoot it's $2.00 for a target.

Entrance to the indoor range will only be from the clubhouse hall ONLY. The parking lot door is unavailable for safety reasons.

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Ocsa Club Ocsa Club

Raising Funds to Fight Ch. 135

OCSA has initiated a fundraising campaign approved at the December membership meeting to aid in the fight against the new gun laws. OCSA will match dollar for dollar your contributions up to a total of $5,000. This fundraiser will run thru Presidents day February 17, 2025. You do not need to be a club member to donate. Please use the link below to make a donation. We also added buttons to the home and alert pages of the website. https://old-colony.org/ocsa-store/p/fund-to-fight-h4885

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CLUB Ocsa Club CLUB Ocsa Club

Replacement Lift

At the membership meeting of August 5th, 2024 George Emanual presented his research on the replacement of the decommissioned handicap lift. At the previous Board of Directors meeting the Board voted in favor of Georges recommendation. This was done after meeting with three contractors and a site visit to one of the installed units. At the membership meeting the majority approved of the recommendation and voted on a budget of approximately $67K to cover the quote with a 10% contingency for unknowns once the old lift is removed.

The contractor chosen was Residential Elevator and Lift in Hanover and the unit is a Savaria Vertical Platform Lift.

Update 9/18/24:

The new lift is expected to be delivered 9/19. Installation will start almost immediately. The parking around the lift/range gate area and electrical power to all ranges may be affected during the project. It will also be necessary to close ranges on short notice for the electrical work to be performed. Due to the fluid nature of the project it may be difficult to post notices.

Update 12/5/24:

The lift installation is functional but not yet inspected. Please do not use the lift until a notice is sent out to the membership.

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Ocsa Club Ocsa Club

2024 Election Schedule

There will be an election for the Board of Directors and officers at the Annual Membership Meeting on September 9, 2024. Elections will run from 6pm to 7:30pm with the member meeting starting at 7pm. A nomination list has been posted on the bulletin board for those interested in running, it will come down at the end of the August membership meeting. Any member with at least 5 years can run for office.

These elections help set the course for the next three years so please consider dropping by to cast your vote, even if you cannot stay for the meeting. Please see the club By-Laws for election and club officer information. Please see our club officials page for information on current club officials.

Terms ending:

Guy Bowers – Board:

Rick Sten – Board:

Dale Solander – Board

Paula Cavalieri – Secretary

Joe Staier – Treasurer

UPDATE 8/16/2024:

The sign up sheet was taken down at the close of the August member meeting. No one is running against the incumbents so per our bylaws there will be no election this year. Each board member will serve for three more years and the Secretary & Treasurer for one more year. The meeting will serve as both our membership meeting and the annual meeting for the start of the fiscal year.

UPDATE 10/1/2024:

At the board meeting of September 30th, Tom Mortland and Rick Sten ran unopposed for their current positions of President & Vice-President.

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Ocsa Club Ocsa Club

OCSA Kitchen to Reopen

We are pleased to report that the club kitchen has reopened for breakfast and lunch starting at 8am Saturday & Sunday. Please support this effort by coming by for a meal. It is a great way to meet fellow club members and keep up with what is happening at the club.

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Ocsa Club Ocsa Club

2024 Scholarship Awards

On behalf of the scholarship committee we are happy to announce the following recipients.

We are awarding four $500 scholarships, 3 Old Colony Scholarships and 1 to Pembroke High School.

Old Colony:

  1. Mason Kennedy

  2. Katelyn Smith

  3. Lucy Burnham

 Pembroke High School:

  1. Layla Hooley

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Ocsa Club Ocsa Club

Pistol Range Renovations

At the membership meeting on Monday May 6 the members in attendance approved a budget of $90K for the work to be performed on the pistol range. This work includes but is not limited to:

  • Raising the center portion of the roof and raising the center section of baffles to allow equipment to pass through to the range now and in the future.

  • Removing worn out rubber from 50 ft, 25 yard, and 50 yard berms. (disposition TBD)

  • Removing the berms under the rubber and rebuilding lower with a sand clay mix. 

  • Adding a layer of ground rubber mulch intended for use on firing ranges.

Doug Carver has volunteered to be the project leader working with Rick Sten. The pistol range will be closed during the roof and baffle work which will be on weekdays and separately when the excavation equipment starts working which weather permitting is expected to be 10 days. These closures will be sent out by email, posted to the homepage of the website, and on the Facebook membership page.

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CLUB Ocsa Club CLUB Ocsa Club

Clubhouse Deck Replacement

2/24/24: The deck is complete. Please use caution parking in front of the deck as screws have been observed around the construction. We are working on cleaning the area.

1/22/2024: The contractor is mostly done except for some cleanup work but the deck is now open for use. Please use the righthand door with card access. You can also use the parking lot door to the indoor range except during archery for safety reasons.

12/7/2023: The clubhouse Deck replacement has begun. Members are asked NOT to park in front of the clubhouse on weekdays. Be advised that at some point in the project access to bathrooms may be affected. Please check the home page for updates.

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CLUB Ocsa Club CLUB Ocsa Club

OCSA Testifies on HD.4607

On October 12 OCSA submitted a document to the MA State House Committee that held hearings on HD.4670. The document was prepared by member Dale Solander who serves as the clubs Liaison with GOAL and NSSF as well as provides reports to the membership on a wide range of legislation important to MA gun owners and the members of this club.

OCSA rejects HD.4607 and asks all members to contact their legislators concerning this bill or any replacement bills that may occur. We are heartened to hear that for the first time in it’s history the Mass Chiefs of Police Association along with the MA State Police voted unanimously against supporting this bill as well as the previous version HD.4420. A big thank you to all Chiefs.

Members can read the clubs testimony by clicking HERE.

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CLUB Ocsa Club CLUB Ocsa Club

2023 Election Results

On the night of September 11, 2023 at the clubs annual meeting the below election results were verified.


Paula Cavalieri – Secretary , 1 year, no challengers

Joe Staier – Treasurer , 1 year ,no challengers

Carl O'Brien (BOD, reelected for 3 years)

Bill Earl (BOD, reelected for 3 years)

Richard Moskos (BOD, elected for 3 years)

Not Elected: The BOD would like to thank the following members for participating in the election and hope they will consider future runs.

Dan Hart

Tom McClennan

At the Board of Directors meeting on September 25, 2023 Tom Mortland was reelected as President and Rick Sten was reelected as Vice-President.

Please see the club By-Laws for election and club officer information. Any member with at least 5 years can run for office. Please see our club officials page for information on current club officials.

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CLUB Ocsa Club CLUB Ocsa Club

2024 Membership Renewal

The membership team has completed sending out the 2024 dues bills. These were sent using the email address on file with the membership office. As a mass email, it is possible that it ends up in your SPAM/JUNK folder so please check before saying you did not receive it. Please note that everyone does get an invoice even our life members and those who pre-paid. This is both for your records and to allow you to participate in the two annual raffles if you choose.

Every year we have a certain number of problems and we wish to minimize this so please read this notice and the notice on the website membership page completely if you have not yet paid. Please refer to the membership page (https://old-colony.org/membership/#mem-renew) and the club bylaws https://old-colony.org/bylaws before asking any questions to see if the answer is available and reduce the email volume.

Please remember, only one club member performs most of this renewal process including answering your questions so answers may be delayed. The next membership meeting on September 11 includes the club elections so Richard will be busy. You can stop by the Board meeting on August 28th starting at about 6:30pm if you have questions. 

  • The deadline for all dues payments is 4 pm on October 15th, (in the office, not postmarked by). A late fee of $20 dollars will apply after this date

  • Members in arrears as of 4 pm on Nov 15th, (in the office, not postmarked by) will be deactivated and access card privileges revoked. A $20 dollar late fee and $10 card re-activation fee will apply after this date

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CLUB Ocsa Club CLUB Ocsa Club

2023 Election Schedule

There will be an election for the Board of Directors at the Annual Membership Meeting on September 11, 2023. Elections will run from 6pm to 7:30pm with the member meeting starting at 7pm. These elections help set the course for the next three years so please consider dropping by to cast your vote, even if you cannot stay for the meeting. Please see the club By-Laws for election and club officer information. Any member with at least 5 years can run for office. Please see our club officials page for information on current club officials.

Terms ending:

Carl O'Brien – Board:

Bill Earl – Board:

Open Seat – Board

Paula Cavalieri – Secretary , No challengers

Joe Staier – Treasurer , No challengers

Running for Board of Directors: (3 positions)

Carl O'Brien (Incumbent for reelection) [Life member having joined OCSA in 2016. Carl is active in Precision Pistol.]

Bill Earl (Incumbent for reelection) [life member having joined OCSA in the 1970’s. Bill is active in Black Powder.]

Dan Hart [Joined OCSA in 2018. Dan is active in Black Powder]

Tom McClennan [Life member having joined OCSA in 1977. Tom is active in Black Powder]

Richard Moskos [Joined OCSA in 2017. Rich is active in IDPA]

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2023 Family Day

The OCSA Open House this year is on Sunday
September 17th.

Family NRA Firearm Safety and Education Day Sunday September 17. This is when the club opens its doors to anyone from the public interested in checking us out between 9:30AM and 1PM. Individuals and families with children 10 years old or older are invited to see what the club has to offer. Youth programs, Safety instruction, and opportunities to try various firearms and archery will be available.  SEE FLYER

Each activity will run continuously during the day unless noted otherwise. Black Powder demonstrations will be active from 10am to 12pm, IDPA demonstrations will be active from 12pm to 1pm. What we need to make this the success it has always been are club members willing to lend a hand in one of the following ways:

·       A firearm and your time on the line to run it

·       Ammunition, all calibers

·      Administrative help to aid in registration, checking for needs on the line etc.

·       Photos and short videos that the club can use may be uploaded HERE.

·       Helping to talk to people waiting on the firing line to keep things moving and to talk about what the club has to offer.

Tom Pye will be organizing this event. If interested in helping, donating, or you have questions. Send them to oldcolonyfamilyday@gmail.com


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CLUB Ocsa Club CLUB Ocsa Club

Kitchen Closing

Hello fellow members. Joe and Robin have informed the club that they will be shutting down kitchen operations immediately. This was their choice, there were no problems between them and the club. We thank them for their efforts and wish them the best going forward. If you have questions or suggestions about the kitchen going forward, we suggest you attend the upcoming membership meeting on July 10th starting at 7pm. More information will be posted as it becomes available.

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