Loring Hall Rifle House
This is the gathering spot for rifle shooters and 200 yards shooters. The house features a gathering area for registration and scoring and a shooting area aligned with 200 yards. The shooting area has a removable wall for the summer. In the winter the wall is installed and provides ports to shoot from aloning the area to be heated for matches.

Outdoor rifle line
This section is primarily for rifle but hand gun, black powder, and shotgun slugs may be used. Available distances include 25, 50, 75, and 100 yards. At the far end a limited number of 200 yard benches are also available.

Rifle Berms
This view is looking downrange at 25, 50, 75, and 100 yards. 200 yards can be seen on the right.

Rifle House - Winter
This is a view of the rifle house in winter configuration. The wall has been installed and shooting is done through ports.

200 yard view
This image looks downrange from a 200 yard position. On the left you can see some of the berms for the shorter distances.

Downrange view
This is an over the shoulder view of 200 yards as seen through one of the rifle house winter shooting ports.

The Pit
This is the target pit located at 200 yards. The target frames are on chain systems allowing them to be raised and lowered. During matches, this pit may be staffed to aid in scoring. It’s and interesting place to be.

The Pit
Another view of the 200 yard target piut.

The Pit
An exterior view of the 200 yard target pit with the targets in the lowered position.

What a rack!
M1 Garand’s and a few springfield’s waiting their turn.

Rifle House - Summer
Here is a view of shooting at 200 yards with the rifle house in Summer configuration. Note the wall has been removed and you do not need to shoot through ports.

Targets Up
Here you can see targets in the up position at 200 yards. Note: there is a slight magnification this photo.

Schuetzen Rifle
This is a style of single shot rifle with a unique history.
See this video: https://youtu.be/eewbF0-gfDM

Rifle House - Summer
Here is a view of shooting at 200 yards with the rifle house in Summer configuration. Note the wall has been removed and you do not need to shoot through ports.

Target View
This is a view of a 200 yard target as seen through a spotting scope

Schuetzen (2023)
Off hand 200 yard Schuetzen match

Schuetzen (2023)
Off hand 200 yard Schuetzen match

High Power Match
In this image you can see prone shooting at 200 yards. This is only allowed during a match since you are in front of the traditional firing line.