Lift Now in Service

The state has inspected our new lift and approved it for use. The lift is now fully functional. This lift covers the indoor range, parking lot, and clubhouse entrance. This is not an elevator so please be aware of the following. 

1. This is not a freight elevator. Using it in such a manner may violate warranties. 

2. To call the lift, press and hold the button corresponding to your floor. If you release the button the lift will stop. Once the lift gets to your floor the door will unlock. 

3. Once in the lift, press and hold the button for the floor you want to go to. If you release the button the lift will stop. Once the lift gets to your floor the door will unlock. 

4. If the door times out and relocks press the button left of the emergency stop button to unlock the lift. 

5. There is an emergency auto dial phone below the control panel. Please notify the club of all malfunctions.

6. When the weather warms, we will be doing finishing work on the interior including removing the protective tape on sheet metal surfaces. 


Indoor Archery for 2025