2023 Family Day
The OCSA Open House this year is on Sunday
September 17th.
Family NRA Firearm Safety and Education Day Sunday September 17. This is when the club opens its doors to anyone from the public interested in checking us out between 9:30AM and 1PM. Individuals and families with children 10 years old or older are invited to see what the club has to offer. Youth programs, Safety instruction, and opportunities to try various firearms and archery will be available. SEE FLYER
Each activity will run continuously during the day unless noted otherwise. Black Powder demonstrations will be active from 10am to 12pm, IDPA demonstrations will be active from 12pm to 1pm. What we need to make this the success it has always been are club members willing to lend a hand in one of the following ways:
· A firearm and your time on the line to run it
· Ammunition, all calibers
· Administrative help to aid in registration, checking for needs on the line etc.
· Photos and short videos that the club can use may be uploaded HERE.
· Helping to talk to people waiting on the firing line to keep things moving and to talk about what the club has to offer.
Tom Pye will be organizing this event. If interested in helping, donating, or you have questions. Send them to oldcolonyfamilyday@gmail.com
2022 NRA Family Day
The OCSA Open House this year is on Sunday October 16th. This is when the club opens its doors to anyone from the public interested in checking us out. The only requirement for admission is that they must register with a young person generally age 10-16. Safety instruction and opportunities to fire certain firearms will be available. SEE FLYER
Each activity will run continuously unless noted otherwise. Black Powder demonstrations will be active from 10am to 12pm, IDPA demonstrations will be active from 12pm to 1pm. What we need to make this the success it has always been, are club members willing to lend a hand in one of the following ways:
· A firearm and your time on the line to run it
· Ammunition, all calibers
· Administrative help to aid in registration, checking for needs on the line etc.
· Photos and video that the club can use (details on how to submit later).
· Helping to talk to people waiting on the firing line to keep things moving and to talk about what the club has to offer.
Linda Chapman will be organizing this event. If interested in helping, donating, or you have questions. Send them to lindachap02@gmail.com
NRA Family Day Open House
The OCSA Open House is BACK! Forced to close last year due to Covid, we are bringing it back this year on Sunday September 19th. This is when the club opens its doors to anyone from the public interested in checking us out. The only requirement for admission is that they must register with a young person generally age 10-16. Safety instruction and opportunities to fire certain firearms will be available. SEE FLYER
Each activity will run continuously unless noted otherwise. Black Powder demonstrations will be active from 10am to 12pm, IDPA demonstrations will be active from 12pm to 2pm. Archery will also return for the first time in several years. What we need to make this the success it has always been, are club members willing to lend a hand in one of the following ways:
· A firearm and your time on the line to run it
· Ammunition, all calibers
· Archery assistance
· Administrative help to aid in registration, checking for needs on the line etc.
· Photos and video that the club can use (details on how to submit later).
· Helping to talk to people waiting on the firing line to keep things moving and to talk about what the club has to offer.
Joe Staier will be organizing this event. If interested in helping, donating, or you have questions. Send them to oldcolonyfamilyday@gmail.com
Club Jr. Rifle Survey
OCSA members, guests, and friends. We would like to get your opinion on restarting our Jr. Rifle program. The Jr. Rifle program was very successful in the past and George Wilson is seeking information on the level of interest and if anyone wants to help.
The Junior Rifle program is for people 10-18 years of age. The program works with experienced instructors and mainly uses .22 cal rifles on our 50ft indoor range. You do not need to be a club member to participate. There is a $5 per session fee to cover some operational costs. Students should bring their own eye and ear protection. If there is sufficient interest, some travel to other clubs for matches may be available.
Please only answer the survey once so we can get an accurate picture of the interest. The survey will run until the June 2021 membership meeting.
Survey Link: https://forms.gle/Ndt7TpgU2H6FqSy4A
If you have a junior interested or you would like to help please let George know. After completing the survey go to the junior rifle section of the rifle webpage and complete the information request form.
OCSA Events and COVID-19
updated 03/17/2020:
OCSA has evaluated and continues to evaluate the latest information out of washington dc and the State House. At this time the club REMAINS open for general range use but closed to most organized activity. Please check back for updated information and check the club calendar for specific event information. please read the below statement from ocsa.
New 200 Yard Flag Rule
Per Chief Range Officer Franco Scarpino:
With the completion of the new 200 yard sash pit we are introducing a revision to the 200 yard flag usage as outlined below do to a concern someone newly arriving at the line may not see anyone downrange at 200 yards because they are in the pit and believe the lights were left on by mistake.
The club will no longer be building 200 yard stationary target frames. Please use the new frames in the pit for mounting your targets.
Revised Procedure:
When calling for a cold range to service 200 yard pit targets.
Sound the buzzer three times.
Turn on the red warning lights.
If going to 200 yards place the 200 yard range flag on the baffle support pole as always.
This indicates persons are at 200 yards.
If you go into the “sash pit” there is a new red flag which should be installed into a pipe at the top of the pit stairs.
This will indicate someone is in the pit.
When done in the pit remove the flag back to it’s storage location.
Remove the flag on the baffle pole.
Sound the buzzer three times.
Turn off the warning lights.
This is in addition to the flag placed up range just in front of the firing line.
Flag in Down Location
Flag in Up Location
200 Yard Sash Pit Rebuild Complete
Work on the 200 yard range has been completed except for some minor items. The pits may now be used. Please note there is now a red flag at the 200 yard pit that is intended to signal to the rest of the range that people are in the pit changing targets. The red flag at the firing line is still to be used to indicate a cold range while people are changing targets at 200 yards.
Rifle Range Closure Announcement
The rifle range will be closed Tuesday August 27th and Thursday August 29th or the day so work can continue on the 200 yard upgrades. The outdoor pistol range will remain open. Watch your email, Facebook, the club announcement page, or the project page for updates.
Rifle Range Closure Announcement
Work on the 200 yard range will continue Thursday August 8 and Friday August 9. During this period all rifle range positions will be closed to allow for the downrange work. The outdoor pistol range will remain open. Watch your email, Facebook, the club announcement page, or the project page for updates.
Rifle Range Closure Announcement
Work on the 200 yard range will continue Wednesday July 10. During this period all rifle range positions will be closed to allow for the downrange work. The outdoor pistol range will remain open. Watch your email, Facebook, the club announcement page, or the project page for updates.
Rifle Range Closure Announcement
UPDATED 6/14/2019: Work on the 200 yard range will continue starting Monday June 10 and extend thru at least Tuesday the 18th. During this period all rifle range positions will be closed to allow for the downrange work. The outdoor pistol range will remain open and Tuesday night Rifle will not be affected. Watch your email, Facebook, the club announcement page, or the project page for updates.
Rifle Range Closure Update 3/13/19
Winter weather conditions have slowed work on the rifle range upgrade. The Chief Range Officer is extending the weekday range closure thru at least 3/15/19. The pistol range is open during this process and the rifle range will be open on the weekend, Check back for future updates. Information on the project can be found HERE.
Rifle Range Closure Announcement
The Rifle Range will be closed weekdays for repair from 02/25/19 to 03/13/19. The range will be open on weekends during this time. Information on the project can be found HERE.
(Originally posted February 4, 2019)
Spent brass left behind is collected and used to raise money for the junior rifle program. Please only place brass in the marked collection buckets. Place all steel and aluminum in the regular trash. Please DO NOT TAKE brass out of those buckets, it is for the Jr. program once it is put in there.
(Update February 4, 2019)
The chief range officer, Franco Scarpino would like to make you aware that the 200 yard "pit" project will be starting soon. During weekdays it will be necessary to close the rifle range. The range will be open weekends. Please check for Email announcements, the club announcement page, Facebook page, and this project page for all information concerning the closures.
(Originally posted November 5, 2018)
At the board meeting of November 29th, 2018, the Board of Directors approved the request of Chief Range Officer Franco Scarpino for $15,000 to implement repairs and expansion of the 200 yard rifle pits. This request was also approved by the membership at the regular meeting of November 5th, 2018. Further details will be posted to the rifle page and range closures will be announced via regular electronic means.