Archery, CLUB Ocsa Club Archery, CLUB Ocsa Club

Archery Project Approved

On June 7th after a unanimous recommendation by the Board of Directors, the membership voted to approve a budget of $40,000 for supporting the return of Archery to OCSA. Plans for the construction of facilities will be detailed on the Archery page.

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CLUB Ocsa Club CLUB Ocsa Club

OCSA Scholarship Winners


Jacob Glenn - Middleboro High School Graduate of 2021

Maya Savage - Pembroke High School Graduate of 2021

Mikayla Shubert - Pembroke High School Graduate of 2021


College Student Danielle DeCastro

If you would like to know more about our scholarship program the go to

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CLUB Ocsa Club CLUB Ocsa Club

COVID-19 Update

Effective May 29th, all remaining COVID operating policy changes will be removed. Members and guests who have not been vaccinated should use their own personal judgement on masks and other issues. If you are not feeling well or have been exposed to someone positive in the last 14 days you should not be at the club.

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CLUB, Jr. Program, RIFLE Ocsa Club CLUB, Jr. Program, RIFLE Ocsa Club

Club Jr. Rifle Survey

OCSA members, guests, and friends. We would like to get your opinion on restarting our Jr. Rifle program. The Jr. Rifle program was very successful in the past and George Wilson is seeking information on the level of interest and if anyone wants to help.

The Junior Rifle program is for people 10-18 years of age. The program works with experienced instructors and mainly uses .22 cal rifles on our 50ft indoor range. You do not need to be a club member to participate. There is a $5 per session fee to cover some operational costs. Students should bring their own eye and ear protection. If there is sufficient interest, some travel to other clubs for matches may be available.

Please only answer the survey once so we can get an accurate picture of the interest. The survey will run until the June 2021 membership meeting.

Survey Link:

If you have a junior interested or you would like to help please let George know. After completing the survey go to the junior rifle section of the rifle webpage and complete the information request form.

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Archery, CLUB Ocsa Club Archery, CLUB Ocsa Club

Club Archery Survey

OCSA members, guests, and friends. We would like to get your opinion on restarting our Archery discipline. Please only answer the survey once so we can get an accurate picture of the interest. The survey will run until the June 2021 membership meeting.

Survey Link:

Want to be kept informed about Archery news? Sign up for our archery email by clicking HERE and then selecting "Request to Join".

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CLUB Ocsa Club CLUB Ocsa Club

Updated COVID-19 Policy

Based on the most recent changes to the Governors orders for dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, the club has reviewed and modified it’s temporary operating orders to remain in compliance with these requirements. Indoor spaces go to 100 max or 100% capacity whichever is lower and outdoor areas to 150. All not including staff.

Please use this link to view the document.

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CLUB Ocsa Club CLUB Ocsa Club

New Bylaws Approved

At the membership meeting on April 5th, 2021, the membership unanimously approved the below bylaws. Click on the below link to view them!

Download the Bylaws

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CLUB Ocsa Club CLUB Ocsa Club

Membership Meeting Update

Due to changes in COVID-19 gathering limits, we are going to resume holding meetings live onsite in the main hall beginning April 5th at 7PM. Masks are required please.

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Indoor Range Open

After many years of work we are pleased to announce the reopening of the indoor range for standard handgun (no magnums), and .22 rifle. Please watch this video and make sure to download the revised club rules which include updated information for the indoor range.

Indoor Range Hours: 10AM to 10PM

Note: Certain activities have reserved times. Consult the club calendar for information. Currently Precision Pistol is the only active group and has Thursday from 5 - 10pm. Should other activities such as Gallery Rifle, Archery, and Jr. Rifle return, the times will be posted on the club calendar.

Watch Video HERE

Range Rules HERE

Project Page HERE

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CLUB Ocsa Club CLUB Ocsa Club

Updated Range Rules Released

OCSA has published revised range rules effective 3/6/2021. All members are encouraged to download a copy, review and familiarize themselves with the rules. All older versions except those relating to Covid-19 are obsolete.


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CLUB Ocsa Club CLUB Ocsa Club

2021 Bylaws Update

At the Board of Directors meeting on February 22nd, the Bylaw committee submitted their report on recommended changes. The changes were approved to be forwarded to the membership at the April membership meeting for approval. At the membership meeting of March 1st this was reported on. The proposed changes are available for the membership to review. As per past changes, these will be voted on as a block, either all accepted or all rejected.

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CLUB Ocsa Club CLUB Ocsa Club

Updated COVID-19 Policy

Based on the most recent changes to the Governors orders for dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, the club has reviewed and modified it’s temporary operating orders to remain in compliance with these requirements. Indoor spaces go to 40% capacity and outdoor areas back to 50. All not including staff.

Please use this link to view the document.

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CLUB, Jr. Program Ocsa Club CLUB, Jr. Program Ocsa Club

Junior Conservation Camp

OCSA is proud to announce our 2021 conservation camp program. Old Colony Sportsman’s Association is proud to sponsor 1 members child to the program that runs August 1-13, 2021. The camp was founded in 1949. Originally it was a cooperative project between the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Game and a citizens group. Since 1983, it has been administered by the Massachusetts Sportsmen’s Junior Conservation Camp, Inc., a non-profit tax-exempt corporation solely responsible for the conduct and operation of the camp.

The application deadline is Friday April 5, 2021 (Received or postmarked). For information, forms, and contact information, go to our dedicated scholarship page at this LINK.

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CLUB, Jr. Program Ocsa Club CLUB, Jr. Program Ocsa Club

2021 Scholarship Program

OCSA is proud to announce our 2021 scholarship program. This program is open to all members who have children or are the relatives of children attending Pembroke High School. Three $500 awards will be presented by the school. The application deadline is Friday April 2, 2021 (Received or postmarked). For information, forms, and contact information, go to our dedicated scholarship page at this LINK.

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CLUB Ocsa Club CLUB Ocsa Club

Updated COVID-19 Policy

Due to the December 26, 2020 changes to the Governors orders for dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, the club has reviewed and modified it’s temporary operating orders to remain in compliance with these requirements. Please use this link to view the document.

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CLUB Ocsa Club CLUB Ocsa Club

2021 Membership

As of 4pm on November 15 the renewal period for 2021 has passed. Any unpaid members will now have their access card turned off. To reactivate your account you must contact membership. The electronic renewal payment at the OCSA STORE has been adjusted to reflect the late and reactivation fees. These apply to the main account holder and spouse but not juniors.

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CLUB Ocsa Club CLUB Ocsa Club

Election Results

Reelected for another three year term are:

Dave DeCastro – Board (I)

Bill Earl – Board (I)

Franco Scarpino – Board (I)

Reelected for another one year term

Joe Staier – Treasurer (I)

Since no one ran for Secretary, the Board of Directors appointed Colleen Riley to a one year volunteer term.

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CLUB Ocsa Club CLUB Ocsa Club

Annual Meeting and Election Process

Elections 5:30 - 7pm

General meeting 7pm

COVID-19 Membership Meetings: The September 14th 7pm meeting brings additional challenges due to it also being our annual meeting and vote. This is also the last meeting we can hold outdoors due to the changing daylight conditions as we enter the fall. The state has also lowered the gathering limits to 50 outdoor and 25 indoor with substantial fines for violations.

This year, we have been getting 20 to 25 new members per month which when combined with the required current members for a quorum violate these indoor gathering limits. This requires the board to consider several options going forward, some of which may require your vote on Monday night, September 14. We will once again have chairs out in the parking lot and once those chairs are filled that will be our limit.

Election Procedure: [9/14 voting times 5:30– 7:00pm] none of the positions are contested this year. Dave DeCastro, Bill Earl, and Franco Scarpino are all seeking reelection to the Board with Joe Staier as Treasurer. No one is running for Secretary. Colleen Riley has volunteered for appointment to the secretary’s position for the coming year so this will be up for ratification at the meeting. Our by-laws require a written vote even when there are no contested seats, so to carry this out we will ask that you enter the clubhouse via the left door, check-in, vote, and leave. If seats are available outside, you may stay for the membership meeting to help with the required votes for the next several months.

Due to the extra load that voting places on the membership team they will not be taking any dues questions Monday night. Masks are recommended.

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